Saturday, 16 April 2011


WOW!  That's my first response!  'COOL!' Was my second response, etc., etc., when we first found out that Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles was going to come to our Stake Conference.  The last time I remember being at the same meeting as an Apostle was, maybe 20+ years ago now???  I'm not sure.

Anyway, tonight was the Adult Session of our Stake Conference and, you can bet we made it a point to get there early.  Our Stake Building is about 45 minutes from our home. We sat in the 3rd row.  We'll be leaving the house by 6:15 a.m. tomorrow to make it early enough to get a good seat in the morning session.

The meeting was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!  Elder Cook, one of the newly called Quorum of Seventy is Elder Oaks' companion on this assignment.

When we started singing the opening song, it was VERY EVIDENT that there were many more voices singing with us than were actually in attendance at the meeting.  I could hardly sing for the stirrings of the Spirit I felt.

We just got home, and we're both pretty tired, but I took some notes and I'll likely share some maybe tomorrow or later in the week on other posts.  The messages from all of the speakers were awesome and, of course, the Spirit was there in abundance.  A great experience, that's for sure. Wish all of our loved ones could have shared it with us. 

Hugs to all!

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