Thursday 14 April 2011

Missing My Family

I'm very new to blogging, so if I blunder through, please forgive any mistakes.  And I'm sure there will be quite a few!! :-)

Although I am loving living in Salmon Arm, British Columbia, as I mentioned in my last blog, it is taking some getting used it.  Of course, it always does when moving to a new place, that's just a fact of life.  You have to leave many loved ones behind while you struggle to get to know new people who will become special and loved as well.

Salmon Arm is a lovely place, mostly considered a tourist area, but the people are generally very friendly, much like Medford & Grants Pass.  Our Ward here is very, very special.

I am so blessed to be married to the most wonderful man I could ever have dreamt of having.  We are so perfect for each other, sometimes is scary!  He is so precious and I cannot complain in any way, shape or form. But there is still something missing here in this beautiful Canadian world of ours.  At least for me.  But not for of any lack on Keith's part at all.

Some VERY IMPORTANT BIG THINGS feel like they're missing.  Having been so spoiled in my most of my career as a mother of grown children and grandmother (Nana as they all call me), the transition from living merely minutes from my children & grandchildren, and being able to see them on almost a daily basis since Madison (age 12 1/2) and Annabet (age 11) were 2 & 1 respectfully, is wearing on me.  Oh how I miss their precious little hugs, kisses and constant encouragements.

Then in the past year (prior to marrying Keith & moving to Canada) I had the wonderful opportunity to live merely minutes from my other grown daughter & her lovely family as well.  How blessed I was to be so close to all of them.  And I am missing them like crazy right now.  I guess it's a motivation for me to earn plenty of spending money so I can travel to visit them OFTEN.  

I just never envisioned not being part of their everyday life.  I hope they will always know how very much I love and miss them.  How much I pray for them everyday and how I wish I could be there for every success and disappointment in their lives, so I could be their greatest cheerleader and most loving encourager. I will be in spirit.

I constantly remind myself about the old days, when people moved away from family to make a life of their own and very often, they would never see each other again.  So how can I complain?  I've had over 10 years of constant almost daily contact with them and I know that somehow, someway, and someday, soon I hope, I will be able to put my arms around them and hold them close again.

Daughters, you are my very best friends and I miss you so much!  Really, the only other friends that even come close to our relationship is my Angels, Michelle & Heather and I miss them too. Of course, I pretty much count them as family anyway.

So, as you can see, this is a sad day for me.  But things will get better, I'm sure of it.  I'm in the process of switching some medications and it wreaks havoc on my psyche so I am sure that what I am feeling and writing is only temporary. Or at least only part of it is temporary.  I don't think I'll wake up any day soon and miss my family any less.  It just might be a little less close to the surface anyway.  

Don't we all have those days where we feel like we're in a funk?  I think we all do--at least I hope I'm not the only one!  EEK!  That would be WAY TOO SCARY to contemplate.


  1. Miss you too, Mom! Thank goodness we have eternity to be together, right? :)

    I love you!!!

  2. Right! It is just too far away to contemplate at the moment. I am human and I need some mommy-daughter time with you so bad I can't stand it! And some Nana-kid time too! We'll work something out somehow. I know we will. Hugs & kisses to you!

  3. Mommy, we miss you too! I am sad that you are so homesick for us though. It will take time for you to get your circle of friends and feel at home. Even though you are not right down the street you are still a big part of our lives. We love you and will make a big effort to come and see you, I PROMISE! :)

  4. Thank you so much, my wonderful daughter! Your reassurance means so much to me! I love you!
